The Charlotte International Plastic Modelers’ Society (IPMS) is a diverse group of modelers with various interests and skills that share a common love for scale reproductions of almost anything. Whether your interest lies in cars, aircraft, tanks, or even science fiction, it’s guaranteed that someone in the Charlotte IPMS chapter shares your love of the subject. Whether you’ve been building and painting models for 10 years or 10 minutes, there’s a place for you in our club.
As a club, we focus on building kits, friendships, and knowledge, and our members range from teenagers to, well, significantly older. And as our esteemed chapter president says, "about the only thing we take seriously are our models".
Stop in at one of our monthly meetings and see what makes our club so great!
We meet the first Friday of the month and are located at Memorial United Methodist Church which is at 4012 Central Ave, Charlotte. You can find us in the small classroom building located at the back of the property. There's plenty of parking. We start gathering around 7:00PM and the meeting starts at 7:30PM.
We encourage attendees to bring along any completed projects.